
In support of University Day, the New York Carolina Club partnered with Citymeals-on-Wheels (citymeals.org) for its Tar Heel Service Project to deliver meals to homebound elderly folks in Harlem.  Our group continued to grow this year, as twenty-six Carolina alumni plus one aspiring future Tar Heel, from 9:30 AM to 1:00 PM on Saturday, ensured that several New Yorkers who can no longer shop or cook for themselves were provided food and company in their own homes.  After picking up prepackaged meals, we broke into small groups and set out on foot in organized routes to deliver as many meals as possible for lunch.  The enthusiasm was contagious and did not wane as the program ran through the morning and into the afternoon to deliver over 100 meals.  Further, all of the attendees enjoyed sharing the day with a new network of Tar Heel alumni, many of whom they had not met before the community service project.  All of the recipients were grateful to see us and appreciative to be able to share a few stories of their own.  They thanked us profusely for the volunteer work we were doing, but the alumni found the experience just as rewarding.  The day proved to be enlightening for the participants, who hoped a modest contribution of their time would benefit others.


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