

Recent Events in the Community Service category

Fall Tar Heel Service Project

Fall Tar Heel Service Project

When: Saturday, October 13, 2018 Where: Stanley Isaacs Senior Center (bldg offset from the street, entrance thru glass sliding doors) 415 East 93rd Street, 10128, between 1st &am…

Spring Tar Heel Service Project

Spring Tar Heel Service Project

NYCC Hosts First Annual Spring Tar Heel Service Project To keep up with growing demand, the NYCC will now organize a Tar Heel Service Project in the spring and the fall.  On Su…

NYCC Tar Heel Service Day

NYCC Tar Heel Service Day

Roll up your sleeves and #ServeCarolina on Oct. 14th for this year’s NYCC Tar Heel Service Day. The Carolina community will unite across the globe to make a difference in the liv…

Tar Heel Service Day

Roll up your sleeves and #ServeCarolina on Oct. 10 for this year’s Tar Heel Service Day. The Carolina community will unite across the globe to make a difference in the lives of t…

Tar Heel Service Day

Tar Heel Service Day

In support of University Day this weekend, the New York Carolina Club partnered with New York Cares( to spruce up Sara D Roosevelt Park on the Lower East Side …