NYCC Tar Heel Service Day

Roll up your sleeves and #ServeCarolina on Oct. 14th for this year’s NYCC Tar Heel Service Day. The Carolina community will unite across the globe to make a difference in the lives of thousands of people. To sign up, please contact Andy at 

When:                    Saturday, October 14, 2017
Where:                   Stanley Isaacs Senior Center (bldg offset from the street, entrance thru glass sliding doors)
                               415 East 93rd Street, 10128, between 1st & York Avenues
Time:                      9:30am-12:30pm (Meal Delivery)
Contact:                Andrew Siegel []
•         Volunteers will be delivering nutritious meals to our homebound elderly, on foot, within walking distance of the senior center.
•         Volunteers should wear weather appropriate clothes and comfortable shoes.
•         Volunteers will deliver in pairs or small groups.
•         Volunteers should not bring any large bags or bulky items as we do not have storage and would make deliveries challenging.
•         Rain or shine, the meals must be delivered.
October 14, 2017
9:30 am
Stanley M. Isaacs Neighborhood Center 415 E 93rd St, New York, NY 10128, USA